First May


The Launching Gateway

First May is a subsidiary of 1st May, maintained by the latter. 1st May comprehensively governs the operations, finances, and outcomes belonging to First May. 1st May has proceedings of its own in the field of advertising while the wing of First May undertakes homologous dealings such as media planning.

Media Planning

  • Media planning is the process of identifying the media outlets namely papers, periodicals, websites, television channels and radio stations and outdoor promotions, where the media advertisements from the available together with existing lot are selected and placed.
  • Inch-perfect media planning gets the clientele out of a tight spot big time in setting the boundaries of their retail goals what’s more reaching a decision regarding the ideal trading prospect.
  • First May subdivision is an agency, conducting across the board buying and selling study, planning everything far ahead so that properly carried are the users of our services, their wares and solutions to the publications plus television channels based on the in stock brochure, audio, commercial plus notice materials.

Digital Advertising

Internet has come to be everybody’s habitation today where one person spends hours in the course of his or her official as well as personal times. Consequently, it is an undeniable modern change, something even the advertising industry must embrace. Without second thoughts, therefore, First May has straightaway tapped the potentiality this medium offers. The first and foremost advantage our agency looks at is cost effectiveness. In addition, digital platforms such as specialized networks, social media and video-sharing websites have more visitors in the profile of youngsters also seniors alike. Taking into consideration all these, First May strives unquestionably with perseverance in making optimum use of these platforms. We select suitable components from the finished ads, which look attractive on digital media in order to make the brand also the manufactured items of the users of our services an instant viral hit!

Viral keeps the rival away!

Radio Ads

Just like how screened advertisements have been on television in between the popular shows, a few promotions are tailor-made to suit the radio channels and their listeners. That is, bought spots are to give a plug to the commodities of our clients in between saleable radio shows. Well- connected First May is with many radio stations. The audio copies we adopt from the agencies generally sell the stocks and wares with immediacy. We foresee professionally furthermore to singling out the correct media for the right radio station so that the brand name of the client and the products are in demand everywhere.

Print Ads

A particular statistic says nearly 40 percentage of Indian population open the day’s newspapers as their first indispensable chore of the day before lunchtime. Reading newspaper in India has become almost as beneficial as brushing the teeth in the morning. With more unsolicited along with redundant contents having their existence in several mediums, the old school magazine ads and newspaper ads are turning out to be the new black. First May has a talented team, which works closely with other ad representatives and the newspaper groups in order to fashion attention-grabbing headlines with eye-catching phrases and choosing the right images for those circulations as well.

Outdoor Advertising

1. It is a well-known fact that any given person loves to spend a great deal of time outdoors. Besides making optimum use of this fact for the promotion of client’s services- as a result- being in the advertisement industry, First May always has felt it is very crucial to capitalize on it.

2. We deliver exterior displays on billboards at important high traffic junctions and highways. More often than not, our hoarding posters become a geographical landmark in the locality.

3. Implemented are supplementary initiatives at bus depots, newspaper stands and at railway stations depending upon the demands of the purchasing companies, the supplies appertaining to the poster agencies. We feel strategic places such as these have been the ones to attract potential as well as target customers’ attention.