
Advertising Films

“Lights, Camera, Action!” are the expressions any filmmaker enjoys roaring, but when it comes to advertising films 1st May believes that there is actually more to it than what people generally take as gospel.

Scripted our ad films are in such a fashion that- as it happens- the last common person living in this country will be able to relate to them and get the picture, not alone that, we ensure conveyed whatever has been reaches every section of customers as well. When this happens, there is instant mass publicity to the goods and services.

Nursery rhymes are something taught everybody is in his or her childhood. The claim to fame of rhymes is that even after we have grown up, we are able to remember and recite the lines with ease. Therefore, we bring into play the same method while composing jingles for our clients’ products and services. 1st May confirms the tune is catchy besides written the lines are with instant appeal so that the customers will forget neither the lines nor the brand.

We are one agency that never stops experimenting. That being the case, we are open to several formats of advertising films, including testimonials from the models or real users of the goods and services. In addition, until the cows come home, we include strategic concepts such as demonstrative formats and all as part of our game.

Music Videos

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.”

Leo Tolstoy, the Great Russian writer, quoted this popular line.

There is practically no one in the complete wide world that does not have a thing for melody or there is no one, who does not get a thrill out of music. A music video is, more or less, similar to the full meals served at a wedding. One simply cannot get enough of it. That is why, 1st May encourages the creation including the promotional activities of an album or music video in such a way that they administer as much an artistic touch to the propaganda as there is in the tunes.

Corporate Films

  • 1st May lays down exclusive promotional films for the occasion of merchandise launches.
  • Designed specifically they are for several platforms such as campaigns in addition to other media sites.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) have been an inescapable ingredient for any organization. 1st May comes up with a video format in an out of the ordinary fashion, answering every frequently asked question by the vendee.
  • We are involved in all these seeing that we understand in the growing competitive corporate world every organization needs business videos in order to effectively as well as advantageously train the employees and highlight their services to prospective clients.


1. 1st May has excellent animators, who specialize in the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when shown the film is as a sequence. With the advancement of technology, animation is often the go-to aspect in the field of video games and motion graphics because motion- picture photography has become mandatory.

2. Attractive animations will surely make the audiences not to miss it. They also keep the public actively engaged to the content.

3. Vintage art styles have once again become the alternative- what one would expect- standard of the day. At 1st May, we accordingly draw inspirations from the classics while simultaneously making use of the state-of-the-art software in order to develop the next gen subject matter.